Sunday, January 24, 2016

Mini Quilt Challenge!

The Augusta Modern Quilt Guild 
Present the

 Springtime in Augusta

Mini Quilt Challenge
  1. Open to the public, anyone can participate!  You do not have to be a member of any guild!
  2. Cost to Enter: $5
  3. Types of Quilts: Modern, Traditional or Art.  In other words, any type of mini quilt!
  4. Dimensions: 12 x 12 to 24 x 24 or any size in between!  Does not have to be square either!
  5. THEME:  Springtime in Augusta
  6. Fabric:  any fabric but has to include a specific feature fabric being sold at Branum’s in fat quarters in the assigned bin for the Challenge  The Feature Fabric has to be somewhere on the front of the quilt and can be as little as you want or as much as you want but must be visible.
  7. Please do not put anything that specifically identifies you on the quilt.  Each participant will be given a number that will be placed on the back of the quilt in place of a quilt label.  That will be the identifying mark for your quilt.  We will know which quilt belongs to whom by the enrollment form which will have your number and name on it.  Please note that any identifying marks will disqualify you for this event
  8. Public Voting: The quilts will be voted on by any customer that wants to vote.
    1. All voters will be eligible for a Gift Basket.  Drawing on March 31, 2016 at 6 pm.
  9. Timeframe:  
    1. The quilts must be turned in between March 1 and March 5, 2016 
    2. They will be hung on March 6, 2016
    3. Voting ballots will be available March 7, 2016 through March 31, 2016
    4. Quilts will be taken down and available for pickup April 1, 2016

  1. Prizes: 
    1. Overall prize:  $100.00 Gift Certificate provided by Branum’s
    2. Other Prizes:
      1. $25.00 Gift Certificate for a Blue Ribbon Modern Quilt provided by Branum’s
      2. $25.00 Gift Certificate for a Blue Ribbon Traditional Quilt provided by Branum’s
      3. $25.00 Gift Certificate for a Blue Ribbon Art Quilt provided  by the Modern Quilt Guild
  2. This event is sponsored by the Modern Quilt Guild.  Please see the display for examples of Modern, Traditional or Art Mini Quilts! (Available to view in the store starting the last week of January.)

Stop by Branum's and pick up a fat quarter of the feature fabric and start scheming---this promises to be a fun event for all quilters!  We can not wait to see what you make!

Saturday, January 2, 2016

a rather belated post

Hey y'all!  We have tons of information to cover, most concerning activities coming in the new year.  If you missed the meeting, here is what is going on!

Business first:  we decided to subsidize our National annual dues ($250) by each member paying $5.00.  If you haven't contributed, please get your five dollars to Kim as soon as possible!

~*~*~*~*~*Now for some fun stuff!*~*~*~*~*~

January will kick-off a new sew-in activity.  Over three successive sew-in Sundays we will participate in a round-robin modern block challenge.  (January 10th, February 14th, & March 13th)

Each participant will create  12.5" modern blocks from fabric provided by the other members in their group, but you will include a piece of your own "signature" fabric.  Members may join in during all three sew-in periods or choose to come only once or twice---the more days you come, the more blocks you will make/get.  We will begin promptly at 1:15 by dividing members into smaller groups.  Passing to the right, we will have 30 minutes to construct a block of our own choosing using another member's fabric plus a bit of our signature fabric.  We will continue in this manner every thirty minutes until the sew-in period is over.  Over the three sew-ins you could construct (and receive!) as many as 15 blocks!

So here's the skinny:

1.  Select your fabrics and bring them in a container that is big enough to root around in and sturdy enough to pass around.

2.  Bring as much fabric as you think someone would need to make five 12.5" blocks each day that you participate.

3.  Make sure your fabric is in manageable sizes---nothing bigger than a fat quarter, please!

4.  Bring a signature fabric to include in each block you make for someone else.

5.  Everything you need to create 12.5" blocks.

6.  Please be sure to use good-quality thread in a neutral color.

7.  Most participants are deciding on one single block pattern that they can make for each participant. This will allow you to precut your signature fabric and to know that you can complete the block easily within the allotted half hour.

Sound interesting?  Sign up with Gayle if you want to join in!

*~*~*~*~*At our next meeting*~*~*~*~*
(19 January 2016)

We will continue our Guild-designed Block of the Month program with presentations from Annie and Hilarie.  If you have made blocks from any of the previous months, please bring them to show!


Come ready to play----it's Charm Square Casino time!!  Bring FIVE charm squares (5") and get ready roll the dice to win!  This month's theme is Blue, Silver, and White.  BONUS: If you are one of the lucky players, use your winnings to make something, bring it to the February meeting and you will win an extra 50 Cent Raffle ticket with purchase of one!  


Do you want a chance to win 12 gorgeous modern blocks made by fellow guild friends?  Of course you do!  All you need to do is make one (or many!) 12.5" blocks in this period's Raffle fabric selections.  Here are some of the fabulous blocks up for grabs:

Actually these are the only blocks so far.

There is still time!  Branum's still has the fabric, bring in a block or two!
