Somehow or other we have already made it into September and our little Guild had another busy, productive meeting. We welcomed three guests this month and certainly hope to see their faces again!
**Improv Update Below!!**
please read
~*~ Block of the Month ~*~
Mary Ann and Terri were on deck to present our BsOM for September. Mary Ann introduced a favorite, the Star Cluster block:
Terri designed a block that we are calling...Terri's Block! (sometimes it is better to just get straight to the point!) This block includes a strip of pieced one-inch squares.
Her first version didn't highlight the micro-piecing enough to suit her... |
so she made a second version! |
Our guild-designed BOM quilt is really shaping up and it is fun to see how different each member's blocks look in our varied fabric choices. If you haven't joined in it's not (ever) too late; choose a palette (or go scrappy!) and start sewing! This is a great way to try some new techniques or breeze through something familiar. The entire program is optional of course, but you could even pick and choose among the blocks presented and do just a few. Enjoy the process and end up with a beautifully unique quilt! As always the instructions for each block are on the AMQG Members' blog.
~*~ QuiltCon Charity Quilt, Improv with Intent ~*~
Improv with intent is a new concept for many of us, but we are giving it our best! Our intent is to interpret Augusta's nickname, "The Garden City," and that is proving to be fairly broad and forgiving. Nan and Lynn created improv flowers, Kelly pieced a golf ball, and Lynn is also working on a block to represent the Augusta National clubhouse.
All improv blocks were supposed to be completed by October 20th, but
we would like to have them gathered and ready to assemble at the sew-in on October 11th. If you have a packet of fabric for an improv block, please, please try to get your block sewn by then and at Branum's.
Since our sew-in this month had to be cancelled, Lynn and Gayle request that you please drop your improv blocks at Branum's by the 10th if at all possible, but certainly before the 17th..They will collect them and play with layouts. Once they have a few options they will post them on Facebook and we will piece the quilt top at our November sew-in. Please, please try to attend that sew-in; we need plenty of folks (some to stitch, some to press, some to step-and-fetch) to get it done. If you run into any problems, please let one of them know as soon as possible. Thank you!
~*~ Raffles, Swaps, and Drawings, Oh My!~*~
Last month Jennifer presented a fun swap opportunity that will culminate during our December meeting/party. It's the First Annual Secret Santa Swap!! Each member who wishes to participate will fill out a short get-to-know-me questionnaire, then at our October meeting we will randomly draw partners. Then we will each make a mini quilt for our partner based on their preferences! Are you in? Well, if you don't yet have one, get your questionnaire from our basket at Branum's and fill it out. Seal it up and
remember the number on the outside of your envelope!! This is a Secret swap and that little number is the only way to know if you have randomly chosen yourself! Be sure you bring your completed, sealed questionnaire to our meeting in October as we will draw partners at the end of the meeting. Are you going to miss that meeting? No problem---just leave the envelope at Branum's before October 20th! Someone will draw for you and leave the chosen envelope in the basket with your name on it.
We had record participation for our Block Raffle last month with enough blocks for three winners and enough spare blocks to make at least one or two quilts for Family Promise of Augusta. Our winners were Hilarie, Annie, and Kim! And Family Promise!
The fabric for the next round of raffle blocks is predominantly from a range called Imprint, designed by Katarina Roccella from Art Gallery fabrics, and includes: Maze in Alley and Blues; Morse Dot in Ash and Sun; Buttonballs in Laguna and Gold; Add in Blueberry; Crosssthread in Sheen. Also included is Basic Grey, Fresh Cut, Orchid Alley in Papaya; Cherie, EnRoute in Gravel, Moda Bella Solid in Lead, Cotton and Steel, Dandelion in Teal, and Riley Blake, Solid Basic in Navy. There are a few remaining fat eighths from the initial offering. They will be available in our Branum's basket on the honor system. Please leave $1.50 in the envelope for each piece you take. Most of these fabrics are also available at Branum's if you missed out or need more.
We hope to at least equal the participation in our last raffle! We will draw for the winners at our December meeting. Remember---12 1/2" blocks, any type you choose! Have fun, y'all!
Hilarie was the winner of the 50 Cent Raffle in August, so she brought the prize for this month. One of our visitors, Lynn, was the lucky winner and took home a Michael Miller charm pack, a package of Alphabitties, and a bar of dark chocolate. Bring your quarters in October; this is a fun way to share some favorites and raise a little jingle for the guild coffers!
Happy Sewing, Everyone! See you in October!