Thursday, November 5, 2015



Thanks to lots of guild sewing and the generosity of several members, as well as Branum's Sewing and Vacuum, AMQG was able to present Family Promise of Augusta with all  of these beautiful quilts and pillowcases, plus more!  An administrator from Family Promise gave a presentation detailing how the organization works and who they help.  Afterwards we packed up multiple bags of quilts to be distributed to families in the program.  We hope the families feel the care stitched into each quilt and enjoy the warmth it brings as they work towards a better life.

Nan, our VP of Charity with our guest speaker.

Many hands to fold many quilts!

President Heather helps fold our QuiltCon entry for some lucky family!

In more charity news Lynn, Gayle, and Kelly collected all of our Improv with Intent blocks and came up with a preliminary layout for the 2016 QuiltCon challenge quilt.  Once again y'all knocked it out of the park---the blocks are fabulous!  The initial plan looked great and will make a striking quilt when we get them put together with background fabric and sashing.  And on that note, we need everyone to come to the sew-in on November 8th to help get our challenge entry put together.  Don't fret if you are concerned that your sewing skills won't measure up; as we know, there is more to piecing a quilt than sewing quarter-inch seams!  Bring your tools and your enthusiasm for a fun afternoon!

Winner, Winners!  October was all about winners!  Janie was the winner of the 50 Cent Raffle and received.  Wonder what she will bring next month?  Sweet Nan brought a bonus Halloween goodie bag.  Thanks, Nan!

Speaking of Janie----she graciously agreed to head our new fund-raising committee!   There are many creative ideas floating around.  We cannot wait to hear what Janie and her group decide we will do first! 

Friday, September 25, 2015


Somehow or other we have already made it into September and our little Guild had another busy, productive meeting.  We welcomed three guests this month and certainly hope to see their faces again!

**Improv Update Below!!**
please read

         ~*~ Block of the Month ~*~

Mary Ann and Terri were on deck to present our BsOM for September.  Mary Ann introduced a favorite, the Star Cluster block:

Terri designed a block that we are calling...Terri's Block!  (sometimes it is better to just get straight to the point!)  This block includes a strip of pieced one-inch squares.

Her first version didn't highlight the micro-piecing enough to suit her...
so she made a second version!
Our guild-designed BOM quilt is really shaping up and it is fun to see how different each member's blocks look in our varied fabric choices.  If you haven't joined in it's not (ever) too late; choose a palette (or go scrappy!) and start sewing!   This is a great way to try some new techniques or breeze through something familiar.  The entire program is optional of course, but you could even pick and choose among the blocks presented and do just a few.  Enjoy the process and end up with a beautifully unique quilt!  As always the instructions for each block are on the AMQG Members' blog.

~*~  QuiltCon Charity Quilt, Improv with Intent ~*~

Improv with intent is a new concept for many of us, but we are giving it our best!  Our intent is to interpret Augusta's nickname, "The Garden City," and that is proving to be fairly broad and forgiving.  Nan and Lynn created improv flowers, Kelly pieced a golf ball, and Lynn is also working on a block to represent the Augusta National clubhouse.

All improv blocks were supposed to be completed by October 20th, but we would like to have them gathered and ready to assemble at the sew-in on October 11th.  If you have a packet of fabric for an improv block, please, please try to get your block sewn by then and at Branum's.

Since our sew-in this month had to be cancelled, Lynn and Gayle request that you please drop your improv blocks at Branum's by the 10th if at all possible, but certainly before the 17th..They will collect them and play with layouts.  Once they have a few options they will post them on Facebook and we will piece the quilt top at our November sew-in.  Please, please try to attend that sew-in; we need plenty of folks (some to stitch, some to press, some to step-and-fetch)  to get it done.  If you run into any problems, please let one of them know as soon as possible.  Thank you!

~*~ Raffles, Swaps, and Drawings, Oh My!~*~

Last month Jennifer presented a fun swap opportunity that will culminate during our December meeting/party.  It's the First Annual Secret Santa Swap!!  Each member who wishes to participate will fill out a short get-to-know-me questionnaire, then at our October meeting we will randomly draw  partners.   Then we will each make a mini quilt for our partner based on their preferences!  Are you in?  Well, if you don't yet have one, get your questionnaire from our basket at Branum's and fill it out.  Seal it up and remember the number on the outside of your envelope!!  This is a Secret swap and that little number is the only way to know if you have randomly chosen yourself!  Be sure you bring your completed, sealed questionnaire to our meeting  in October as we will draw partners at the end of the meeting.  Are you going to miss that meeting?  No problem---just leave the envelope at Branum's before October 20th!  Someone will draw for you and leave the chosen envelope in the basket with your name on it.


We had record participation for our Block Raffle last month with enough blocks for three winners and    enough spare blocks to make at least one or two  quilts for Family Promise of Augusta.  Our winners were Hilarie, Annie, and Kim!  And Family Promise!

The fabric for the next round of raffle blocks is predominantly from a range called Imprint, designed by Katarina Roccella from Art Gallery fabrics, and includes:  Maze in Alley and Blues; Morse Dot in Ash and Sun; Buttonballs in Laguna and Gold; Add in Blueberry; Crosssthread in Sheen.  Also included is Basic Grey, Fresh Cut, Orchid Alley in Papaya; Cherie, EnRoute in Gravel, Moda Bella Solid in Lead, Cotton and Steel, Dandelion in Teal, and Riley Blake, Solid Basic in Navy.  There are a few remaining fat eighths from the initial offering.  They will be available in our Branum's basket on the honor system.  Please leave $1.50 in the envelope for each piece you take.  Most of these fabrics are also available at Branum's if you missed out or need more.

We hope to at least equal the participation in our last raffle!  We will draw for the winners at our December meeting.  Remember---12 1/2" blocks, any type you choose!  Have fun, y'all!


Hilarie was the winner of the 50 Cent Raffle in August, so she brought the prize for this month.  One of our visitors, Lynn,  was the lucky winner and took home a Michael Miller charm pack, a package of Alphabitties, and a bar of dark chocolate.  Bring your quarters in October; this is a fun way to share some favorites and raise a little jingle for the guild coffers!

Happy Sewing, Everyone!  See you in October!

Thursday, August 6, 2015


Augusta MQG members have been busy!   July's meeting started off as usual with business---budget, membership, charity, and such---then we got down to the quilty stuff.

Lynn did more research on improv quilts as we continue to figure out how to best tackle the guild QuiltCon entry.  She showed us some examples from a book by Sherri Lynn Wood.   Heather inspired us with stack of prints she ordered in the colors appointed by the MQG.  The theme "The Garden City" was chosen as our inspiration, so now the volunteer committee will meet and determine the best way to proceed.

Our BOM is rolling right along.  Several members brought the blocks they pieced from last month's presentations and Kara held a little drawing for quilt block charm among those who completed blocks.  Diane and Meg presented the next two blocks in our series.  (Did you miss the meeting?  Check the members' blog for instructions!)

The Raffle Blocks are rolling in; we nearly have enough blocks for three winners!  These blocks are going to make gorgeous quilts!

The Show-and-Tell portion of July's meeting was full of incredible quilts made by our talented members.

Terri took Lynn's doll making class and created this magical being.  Both Lynn and Terri are clearly talented artists.

Tori showed off this eye-catching top made with bright solids and bold prints.  The movement in the quilt is fabulous.

Next up, Hilary presented a mini quilt that she made for an Instagram swap.  She adjusted a Bonnie and Camille pattern to get the little umbrellas.  Her partner is lucky!

 A while back Diane showed us fabric she received to use in a Riley Blake Challenge.  This month she shared what she did with it.  Good luck, Diane!

Mary Ann made this beauty with a pattern provided by the MQG in their monthly free pattern program.  She calls it Killian's Fleet after a favorite pirate.

The back

Kara displayed a striking bargello quilt that she made.  She used a borderless finishing technique that really highlights the flowing design.

Finally, Hilary revealed her Cotton and Steel X Plus quilt.  She used every C&S line through Black and White and finished right before their next release.
Another beautiful quilt back!

Thursday, July 2, 2015

June Meeting

Our June meeting introduced lots of projects and fun activites, many of which will extend throughout the year.

We have decided to donate this year's charity quilts to Family Promise of Augusta, formerly known as Interfaith Hospitality.  This organization helps local homeless families transition to successful independence.  The quilts our membership provides will offer warmth and comfort to families who are working hard to create stable, self-sufficient lives.  You can read more about Family Promise of Augusta's mission here:

Our QuiltCon quilt is ready to give along with several quilts made and kindly donated by some of our members.  (more on those soon!)  Nan has kicked off another group quilt effort,  finding a great pattern, then generously donating, cutting, and divvying up some super happy fabric for members to sew rows.  We will get together at sew-in to put the quilt top together when all the rows are complete.

In related news we voted to submit another guild quilt to next year's QuiltCon charity challenge.  Lynn and Tori have agreed to serve as Creative Coordinators as we navigate this year's assigned theme, Improv with Intent.  We decided to use some aspect of Augusta, as yet to be finalized, as our inspiration and will work from there using at least some of the designated color palette.

 Kona names:              Bone             Sunny             Red            Capri              Ash

 During our May meeting Kara encouraged us to choose our color palette and to begin pulling the fabrics we plan to use in our AMQG Block of the Month quilts, then Lynn inspired us with a great talk on color and how to choose a combination that we find appealing.   If you have chosen fabrics for your quilt, please share!  This month Jennifer and Heather presented the first blocks in our guild-designed Block of the Month project.

New members Tori and Patricia hit the ground running and brought  in the first Raffle blocks!  Just look at these beauties:

Both of our shipments of the Cotton and Steel fabric are sold out, but you can always hop on the WWW and order fat quarter bundles or yardage (split some with a friend!) or see if other members might like to trade scraps!  Remember---we will have a winner for every twelve blocks!  Get to sewing!

Speaking of sewing, our July sew-in will be on Sunday, the 12th at 1:00pm.  If you need assistance with your BOM blocks help will be available.   Our meeting will be on Tuesday, the 21st at 6:00pm.  Please bring Raffle blocks of course and if you have worked on your BOM blocks, bring those to share also...we would love to see what you've made!  See you at Branum's!!

Tuesday, June 2, 2015


You have found the (fledgling) blog of the Augusta Modern Quilt Guild in beautiful Augusta, Georgia!  

The Augusta Modern Quilt Guild's purpose is to share and encourage the love of MODERN quilting!  
We look forward to welcoming ALL who are interested, from seasoned quilters to the beginning sewist.  Please join us!
Guild Meeting Locations: 
We meet the 3rd Tuesday of each month at Branum's Sewing & Vacuum, at 6pm at 3230 Washington Road, Augusta, 30907
Contact Us: 

Our small but dynamic group celebrated our one-year anniversary in April and have a busy, exciting year planned ahead.

QuiltCon Charity Quilt

The Augusta Modern Quilt Guild has had a busy first year full of getting ourselves organized, teaching and learning, sharing individual projects,  collaborating, and discussing how we wish to move forward as a group.  As we head into year two and plan our next fun activities, I thought it would be nice to look back at what we have accomplished so far.

 One of the most significant group projects we tackled during our first year was a submission to the MGQ QuiltCon Charity Quilt Challenge. (that's a mouthful!)  Modern Quilt Guilds across the world were challenged to create a modern, alternate-grid quilt in a specific designated range of colors to hang at QuiltCon.  Though we were a little late getting started, we jumped in with both feet to create a worthy submission.  The overall quilt design was decided, then fabrics were chosen and cut.  Members were given instructions and fabric to create the blocks at home and we used monthly sew-in days to put the quilt top together.  Jennifer quilted it for us and Heather got it bound and we sent our quilt off to Austin, Texas to be displayed!

Here is our quilt, which will be donated to a children's charity:

This beauty was a true team effort accentuated by Jennifer's brilliant quilting.  There will soon be a lucky little Augusta resident who gets to snuggle in this work of many hands.

QuiltCon West will bein Pasadena next year and once again Augusta MQG will answer the Challenge and submit a quilt.  This time there is a whole new palette and a new directive---Improv with Intent!  Stay tuned!